Eldon Garnet.
Associate Editor:
M. A. Hanet, Anne Milne and Trudi Brintnell.
Anne Pepper.
Table of Contents:
Rodney Werden, ‘Baby Dolls’; Judith Doyle, ‘Robotics- A Case Study’; Kim Todd, ‘Atomic Statement’; Martin Avery, ‘Just A Picosecond (story)’; William Wheeler, ‘Discourse: A Coin’; John Brown, ‘What Kind Of Gun Are These You Got’; Interview with Sylvère Lotringer; Joe Vykydal, ‘An Introduction To Monster Hunting’; Willoughby Sharp, ‘Toward the Teleculture’; Chris Burden, ‘The Curse Of Big Job’; Interconnect; Eldon Garnet, ‘Personal Hygiene: A Perceptual Motor Skill’; Michael Duddy, ‘Architecture: The Plaza’; Of The Wire: Einstein; Lola Michael, ‘Interview: The Only Ones’; Mary Ann Hanet and Anne Milne, ‘Alimentation Impulsion: Bigos’.