Executive Editor:
Eldon Garnet.
Brian Boigon, Judith Doyle, Donna Lypchuk, and Carolyn White.
Contributing Editors:
Marc Glassman, Sylvère Lotringer, Alberto Manguel, Andrew Payne, Andrew James Paterson, and Jeanne Randolph.
Art Direction:
Carolyn White.
Jennifer Howey.
New City Fiction Guest Editor:
Donna Lypchuk.
Author Imagery:
Eldon Garnet and Carolyn White.
Table of Contents:
John Copping; Robyn Marie Butt; Meryn Cadell; Wendell Block; Susan Perly; William Power; Colleen Subasic; Ron Giii; Peter McGehee; Winston Kam; Gary Michael Dault; Margaret Hollingsworth; Siobhan Flanagan; Barbara Mainguy; Carole Corbell; Joseph Eglitis; Gary Paul & George Mitolidis; Christine Davis; Anne Milne; Claire Christie; Paulette Phillips; Walker Smith.
Our guidelines were simple: unpublished Toronto fiction writers. We already knew of the famous and the infamous, what we wanted today was the rough beginnings for tomorrow. Donna Lypchuk, as Guest Editor for this double issue of Impulse Magazine, read the unknown texts of the city. The result: New City Fiction.
Eldon Garnet