Peter Day
Editorial Assistants:
Lisa Henderson and Michael Holmes
Art Direction:
William Lam Design Inc.
Production Assistant:
Greg Van Alystyne
Table of Contents:
Vikky Alexander, ‘Grace’; Gary Barwin, ‘Hallelujah’; Jacqueline Benyes, ‘Maman’; bill bissett, ‘Tree’; Brian Boigon, ‘Theory’; Friesco Boning, ‘Void’; Christopher Butterfield, ‘part/ trap’; Barbara Caruso, ‘AN&D’; Karen Cherry, ‘Conjugal Rights’; Wes Christensen, ‘Concept: U.S. Senator Jesse Helms’; Ruth Cowen, ‘Mirror, Mirror’; Stephen Cruise, ‘Aloneness’; J.W. Curry, ‘”Ich”‘; Simon Cutts, ‘A History Of The Airfields Of Lincolnshire’; Augusto De Campos, ‘Rever’; Peter Downsbrough, ‘As’; Howard Eaglestone and Wendy Frith, ‘Cythera’; Evergon, ‘”Cheese”‘; Douglas Fetherling, ‘Mothertongue’; Ian Hamilton Finlay, ‘Osez!’; ‘Fly’; Yasuo Fujitomi, ‘DAY’; John Furnival, ‘Convulvulus’; Heinz Gappmayr, ‘1’; Will Gorlitz, ‘V’; Lisa Henderson, ‘Disposable’; Dick Higgins, ‘Another Maybe’; Michael W. Holmes, ‘Darg’; Mendelson Joe, ‘Liars’; Brian David J(O(H)N)ston, ‘Hugo Ball Abandoning The Future (Surrealism) In Favour Of The Mystical Concepts Of God And/& Immortality’; Nicole Jolicoeur, ‘Madeleine’; Alex Katz, ‘Alex Katz’; Silvia Kolbowski, ‘Man’; Richard Kostelanetz, ‘Dipsomania’; Louise Lawler, ‘Enough’; Micah Lexier, ‘Making’; Attila Richard Lukacs; Steve McCaffery, ‘William Tell: A Novel’; John McEwen, ‘Naming’; Al McWilliams; Graeme Moore, ‘Study for a one word poem’; Michael Morris, ‘Souvenir’; Ikuo Mori, ‘Earth Of Heart’; Marlene Mountain, ‘unaloud haiku’; David Nash, ‘Comet’; Mary Margaret O’Hara, ‘Egg’; James Pierce, ‘Uomo’; Gert Rappenecker, ‘Horizont’; Larry Richards, ‘Overpopulation’; Toshinori Saito (Shuntoku Saito), ‘SAI’; Susan Schelle, ‘Witness’; Alex Selenitsch, ‘everyone / ever one; Takahashi Shohachiro, ‘cosmography for who’; Alison Sky, ‘Fading Fur’; Tom Slaughter, ‘Boat’; Linda C. Smith, ‘Music For John CAGE’; Fiona Smyth, ‘Nepenthe’; Frederic Urban, ‘A’; David UU, ‘Bawdy of Dog for jwcurry’; Lawrence Weiner, ‘BREACHED’; Jonathan Williams, ‘”the least that can be said”‘; Christopher Wool, ‘Trouble’; Ryojiro Yamanaka, ‘Scenery’.