Eldon Garnet.
Eldon Garnet, Shelagh Alexander, and Judith Doyle.
New York Editors:
Lisa Baumgardner.
Editorial Assistance:
Philip Monk and Lynne Fernie.
Shelagh Alexander and Ken Baird.
Tony Hardingham.
Alphabets Mascot:
Spot B.
Table of Contents:
Insert, ‘Bikini girl #8’; James Dunn, ‘Canada’s Wonderland’; Judith Doyle, ‘A Chronology of Censorship in Ontario’; Anne Milne, ‘Notes on Pay TV in Canada’; Andrew James Paterson, Fred Gaysek and Eldon Garnet, ‘Kraftwerk’; Peter Noble, ‘Lounge Lizard Lingo’; Lori Spring, ‘In Defence of Movie Pleasure’; Dennis Pike, ‘Special FX’; Judith Doyle, ‘Transcript’; Tom Sherman, ‘Inside The Cultural Industrial Compound’; A.S.A Harrison, ‘The Mechanic’; George Legrady; Nancy Johnson, ‘My Superego Gives Me Choreography’; Brian Boigon, ‘The limits Of a Territory’; James Dunn, ‘Family Picnic’.
It was a hot summer. The world appeared to be falling apart at the seams. One night everyone left their designer’s knives on the light table to hang out on the roof and watch a 55% eclipse of an almost full moon. We fought. Shouted. Punched. But working in the heat is never easy at the best of times. Scrambling in the face of every obstacle, including a national postal strike, our contributors showed their fortitude, ability and creativity providing us with the material for yet another, shall I say it, hot issue.
Eldon Garnet